
 The Human Essence


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VI.  May 11, 1998: Reincarnation
Human Consciousness Is Eternal
     Since the Essences and Emotional Selves of all humans are "splinters" of "The Creator's"
consciousness, then they are also eternal in their existence. They are implanted in their respective
human body with the first breath of the newborn infant. Therefore, they must have come from
somewhere, and they must have been in that "somewhere" since the last time they were in another
body. When each body dies, the "intelligent energy," which is the Essence and Emotional Self of
each person cannot be destroyed, since energy can only be transformed.
     The concept of reincarnation has been around ever since man has been on earth and is a
part of many major religions, such as Buddhism and Hinduism. I believe that it was a part of the
belief system of Jesus while he was alive on earth. When he referred to the need for a person to be
"born again," I believe that he was referring to that person being reincarnated in another form,
after being in his "Father's" world, which I call Thoughtspace.
Christianity and Reincarnation
     Reincarnation is not currently an accepted Christian doctrine, at least not in the Roman
Catholic Church, which was the forerunner of the Protestant religions. The reasons are explained
in this research involving Catholic documents, in "Reincarnation" by Joseph Head and S. L.
Cranston, published by Causeway Books, N.Y., in 1967, on pages 112 to 116.
     "For fourteen long centuries the dialogue on reincarnation was silenced in orthodox
Christendom because it was generally believed that in the year 553 an important church council
anathematized (cursed) the doctrine of the pre-existence of the soul. While reincarnation and pre-
existence (in the limited sense the latter term is used by some churchmen) are not synonymous
terms, obviously if pre-existence is false, previous lives on earth are impossible, and by inference
future lives also. Evidence advanced by Catholic scholars now throws new light on what actually
[sic] occurred at this council, as shall shortly be seen.
     "In the early centuries of Christian history, many battles were waged over issues of
doctrine, church councils being convened to settle disputes. In the sixth century Emperor Justinian
declared war against the followers of Origen. At Justinian's instigation it appears that a local
synod, which convened in Constantinople in the year 543, condemned the teachings of Origen,
and ten years later, in 553, Justinian issued his anathemas against Origen, possibly submitting
them for final ratification to an extra-conciliary or unofficial session of the Fifth Ecumenical
Council - also called the Second Council of Constantinople. The anathemas cursed, among other
teachings of Origen, the doctrine of the pre-existence of the soul.
     "The Catholic Encyclopedia gives some rather astonishing information concerning this
Fifth Ecumenical Council, permitting the conclusion, on at least technical grounds, that there is no
barrier to belief in reincarnation for Catholic Christians. With the exception of six Western bishops 
from Africa, the council was attended entirely by Eastern bishops, no representative from Rome
being present. Although Pope Vigilius was in Constantinople at the time, he refused to attend. In
fact, the Pope was Justinian's prisoner since November of 545, when he had been kidnaped from
Rome. The president of the Council was Eutychius, Patriarch of Constantinople. 'From the time
of Justinian the emperor controlled the patriarch absolutely.'
     "There apparently had been intense conflict between Justinian and Pope Vigilius for
several years. Violating previous agreements, Justinian in 551 issued an edict against what was
known as 'The Three Chapters,' the teachings of three supposed heretics. 'For his dignified
protest Vigilius thereupon suffered various personal indignities at the hands of the civil authority
and nearly lost his life.' Later, to bring peace between the Eastern and Western branches of the
church, this Fifth Ecumenical Council was called. Justinian, however, refused Pope Vigilius'
request for equal representation of bishops from the East and West, and summarily convened the
council on his own terms; hence the Pope's refusal to attend. When we learn that as many as 165
bishops were present at the final meeting on June 2, only six of whom could possibly be from the
West, it can safely be concluded that the voting during all the sessions was very much in
Justinian's hands. The Council's 'decrees were received in the East, but long contested in the
Western Church, where a schism arose that lasted for seventy years.
     "On this period, the Reverend William Alva Gifford wrote in The Story of the Faith
Justinian assumed the headship of the Church. Imperial edicts regulated public worship, directed
ecclesiastical discipline, and even dictated theological doctrines. The Church had to submit for a
time to 'Caesaro-papism,' a papacy of the Emperor. . . . One education centre of paganism
remained, the University of Athens [the last stronghold of Neoplatonism]. It was closed in 529 by
the Emperor Justinian, in the interest of the Christian schools at Constantinople. That was the
death-knell of paganism. As for the scholars of Athens, they fled to Persia, where their
descendants became the leaders of the literary and scientific life of Islam, at Bagdad and other
     "Thomas Whittaker writes in The Neo-Platonists that up to this time 'in spite of the formal
prohibition of the ancient religion, the philosophers at Athens had retained some freedom to
oppose Christian positions on speculative questions. This seems clear from the fact that Proclus
had been able to issue a tractate in which he set forth the arguments for the perpetuity of the
world against the Christian doctrine of creation. Justinian, who was desirous of a reputation for
strictness of orthodoxy, resolved that even this freedom should cease; and in 529 enacted that
henceforth no one should teach the ancient philosophy . . .  The liberty of philosophising was now
everywhere brought within the limits prescribed by the Christian Church.'
     "Quoting directly from The Catholic Encyclopedia regarding the Fifth Ecumenical
     "Were Origen and Origenism anathematized? Many learned writers believe so; and equal
number deny that they were condemned; most modern authorities are either undecided or reply
with reservations. Relying on the most recent studies on the question it may be held that:
     "1. It is certain that the fifth general council was convoked exclusively to deal with the
affair of the Three Chapters, and that neither Origen nor Origenism were the cause of it.
     "2. It is certain that the council opened on 5 May 553, in spite of the protestations of Pope
Vigilius, who though at Constantinople refused to attend it, and that in the eight conciliary
sessions (from 5 May to 2 June), the Acts of which we possess, only the questions of the Three
Chapters is treated.
     "3. Finally it is certain that only the Acts concerning the affair of the Three Chapters were
submitted to the pope for his approval, which was given on 8 December, 553, and 23 February,
     "4. It is a fact that Popes Vigilius, Pelagius I (556-61), Pelagius II (579-90), Gregory the
Great (590-604), in treating the fifth council deal only with the Three Chapters, make no mention
of Origenism, and speak as if they did not now of its condemnation.
     "5. It must be admitted that before the opening of the council, which had been delayed by
the resistance of the pope, the bishops already assembled at Constantinople had to consider, by
order of the emperor, a form of Origenism that had practically nothing in common with Origen,
but which was held, we know, by one of the Origenist parties in Palestine. . . .
     "6. The bishops [at this extra-conciliary session referred to in No. 5 above] certainly
subscribed to the fifteen anathemas proposed by the emperor [against Origen]; an admitted
Origenist, Theodore of Scythopolin, was forced to retract; but there is no proof that the
approbation of the pope, who was at that time protesting against the convocation of the council,
was asked.
     "7. It is easy to understand how this extra-conciliary sentence was mistaken at a later
period for a decree of the actual oecumenical council. (Italics added.)
     "However, one far-reaching result of the mistake still persists, namely, the exclusion from
consideration by orthodox Christianity of the teaching of the pre-existence of the soul and, by
implication, reincarnation.
     "In the light of the references to reincarnation in the Bible, and of statements by some of
the early Church Fathers, and now of the position of Catholic scholars in disclaiming the crusade
against Origen, it is not remarkable that a growing number of the clergy are speaking favorably of
the new interest in reincarnation, and are even hoping that this 'lost chord of Christianity' may
once more vibrate in harmony with Christ's teaching of hope and responsibility.
     "Now what do Protestant scholars and theologians say about the supposed condemnation
of Origen? Dr. Henry R. Percival writes in A Select Library of Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers.
     "Did the Fifth synod examine the case of Origen and finally adopt the XV. Anathemas
against him which are usually found assigned to it? It would seem that with the evidence now in
our possession it would be the height of rashness to give a dogmatic answer to this question.
Scholars of the highest repute have taken, and do take today, the opposite sides of the case. . . .
To my mind the chief difficulty in supposing these anathematism to have been adopted by the Fifth
Ecumenical is that nothing whatever is said about Origen in the call of the council, nor in any
letters written in connection with it; all of which would seem unnatural had there been a long
discussion upon the matter, and had such an important dogmatic definition been adopted as the
XV. anathemas.
     "According to The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, metempsychosis 'was
implicitly condemned by the Council of Lyons (1274) and Florence (1439), which affirmed that
the souls go immediately to heaven, purgatory, or hell.' This does not nullify rebirth, for most
reincarnationists teach that after death the soul undergoes a purgatorial condition before it is pure
enough to 'experience' heaven. They merely deny that these states of consciousness last forever.
Commenting on the Oxford Dictionary statement, the Reverend Patrick Blakiston, Rector of the
Episcopal Church in Alvechurch, Worcester, England, wrote in his monthly letter to parishioners
(May, 1963): 'The Church of England is not bound by the decisions of the mediaeval Roman
Catholic Councils and, even if it could be shown that the undivided ancient Church officially
forbade belief in reincarnation the 21st of our Articles of Religion says "General Councils may err
and sometimes have erred, even in things pertaining unto God."'
     "Whatever the truth of this obscure phase of early church history, the anathemas
themselves are most revealing. They are reprinted in Reincarnation, an East-West Anthology, pp.
321-325. The anathema aimed at pre-existence and reincarnation is the first: 'If anyone assert the
fabulous pre-existence of souls, and shall assert the monstrous restoration which follows from it:
let him be anathema.'Origen and six others are anathematized at the close of the document, which
concludes with these words: 'If anyone does not anathematize [these heretics] as well as their
impious writings, as also all other heretics already condemned and anathematized by the Holy
Catholic and Apostolic Church, and by the aforesaid four Holy Synods and (if anyone does not
equally anathematize) all those who have held and hold or who in their impiety persist in holding
to the end the same opinion as those heretics just mentioned: let him be anathema.'
     "To curse! To commit to eternal damnation all who disagree with a particular
interpretation of holy writ! How unlike the spirit and example of the Prince of Peace who
admonished his disciples: 'love your enemies, bless them that curse you.' (Matthew 5:44)"
Belief in Reincarnation Revived
     From my first contacts with Inner Self Helpers (ISHs), reincarnation was mentioned as a
fact by them. Each one readily reported the last time they had their own body to operate. My
favorite story was of an ISH of a lady with MPD who reported that in her last lifetime with her
own body, she was a member of an American Indian tribe. She had MPD, and her Medicine Man
was her therapist. He had integrated her personalities, so now she was an expert on MPD, and she
was helping my patient become integrated.
     The CIE have been most insistent on this point, that REINCARNATION IS A FACT.
They also explained that they allowed Justinian to ban it from the Catholic Church and
Christianity because it was necessary for the belief to disappear from public consciousness at that
time. The reason was that the people of that era were too lazy to do what they needed to do to
improve their civilization. As long as they believed in reincarnation, they could refuse to do their
duties because they would get around to it in their next incarnation. So they had to disbelieve in
this concept, so that they would think each lifetime was their only one. In that way they would be
more industrious and get more work done now. This was important for the populations of the
countries then dominated by Christianity. 
     Now it is time for the CIE to bring back the belief in reincarnation, since our industrial
base has been built, and we are in a new phase of development of our civilization. Now there are
changes in our behavior which need to be made, and a revival of a belief in reincarnation will
cause those needed changes to come about.
     First, we must remember that our minds (and souls) are made up of the same
consciousness that pervades the immaterial universe I call Thoughtspace, which is what we call
God, or "The Creator," the CIE's preferred term today. When "The Creator" made humans, "He"
made them different from the animals, who were not given any of "His" consciousness. "The
Creator" made us humans in such a way that we could not operate in Physicalspace without this
connection to "Him" which is mediated by a fragment of "His" consciousness, the Human
Essence. To guide this Essence, "The Creator" also supplied the CIE of the Humans, "His" agents
who would know what "He" wanted these humans to do on the world "He" had created. 
The First Humans
     In the first tribe of humans to be created de novo, their Emotional Selves were splinters of
"The Creator's" consciousness endowed with the capacity for Free Will. The CIE acted as the
mentors of those first Emotional Selves, who had to learn to survive on the Earth on which they
found themselves. When those first human bodies "ceased to exist," their Emotional Selves were
"upgraded" by the CIE to be the first Essences, for the second generation of Emotional Selves
which were splintered off from "The Creator's"consciousness. The second generation was the
first one in which each human had both an Essence and an Emotional Self controlling the body.
Ever since then, all humans have had both of these two parts of their mental structure.
Upgrading an Emotional Self To an Essence
     In the millions of years since then, new fragments of consciousness have been splintered
off from "The Creator" continuously so that they can be implanted in all humans beings born into
their first incarnation. Each Emotional Self who has completed its Master Life Plan has been
"promoted" and "upgraded" by the CIE so that it can be the Essence for a new Emotional Self. A
close reading of the Bible story of Jesus talking about being "born again"can logically be
interpreted as him telling his listener that the listener's Emotional Self will be born again as an
Essence, after spending some time in His Father's Kingdom, or Thoughtspace. That is what the
CIE have described to me.
     One needs to be aware that the primary duty of the Essence is to ensure survival of the
body of its Charge, the Emotional Self. The Essence brings to its job all of the knowledge which it
accumulated in the many lifetimes it experienced as a human Emotional Self. It lived in different
bodies in different families in different social and sexual roles between 500 and 5,000 lifetimes
before becoming an Essence. Each Essence was once an Emotional Self being mentored by its
own Essence. It went through its appropriate series of life times and learned a great deal about
living in societies it inhabited. It had experiences as both a male and female, homosexual and
heterosexual, all races, many occupations, and whatever other characteristics were needed to
make it sufficiently well rounded before it completed its series of lifetimes.
     When it "graduated," it was taken to Thoughtspace and given added talents for its
assignment as a mentor to a newly splintered-off Emotional Self. Some of these talents were the
ability to manage memory, a knowledge of the Original Language which all CIE and Essences use
for communication among themselves, full knowledge of the language of the family into which its
Emotional Self will be born, and full knowledge of how to manipulate the human body's immune
system. However, it could only gain knowledge of how to act like a talented Essence by going
into the world and doing its job. When initially programmed, it is called a Baby Essence. It is then
paired with a Baby Emotional Self. 
Names of Essences
     Each Essence has a name, the name given to it by its parents in its last incarnation as an
Emotional Self. When any person feels he or she can communicate with his or her Essence by this
name, the contact is more likely to be successful. It is like having a name for the person you call
on the phone. You are more likely to call them up if you know what to call them, instead of 
"Hey, you." My Essence's name is Michael, which was his given name when he inhabited a body
in his last lifetime as an Emotional Self. It has no religious significance.
Baby Essences
     The Baby Essence knows the Life Plan of its Charge, a Baby Emotional Self. Its Spiritual
Guardian assigns it to a pending newborn baby. All is carefully planned, and the first body
assigned them is likely to be one which has congenital defects so that it cannot live more than the
first day after delivery. This is to give the Baby Essence just enough experience operating behind
the scenes so that it gains some confidence that it can do the job expected of it. 
     The defective newborn baby's body is then supposed to "cease to exist," so that the Baby
Essence and Emotional Self can be implanted into the next body, who might be a baby who will
live a few days and then "cease to exist." The Spiritual Guardian has a carefully worked out plan
for putting each Baby Essence and Emotional Self in a succession of bodies which will give them
the needed experiences in small enough doses so that neither is overwhelmed. The Baby Essence
is given enough training to do what is likely to be needed in maintaining that baby's body as long
as it stays alive. However, it is not trained to continue indefinitely, as it still has much to learn.
Remembering Past Lives
     This pair of the Baby Essence and Emotional Self are repeatedly reinstalled in a series of
babies. Then they are given bodies which will grow into children, then adolescents, then adults.
Each one is planned in order so that the past experience will be of use in the future lifetimes. The
Emotional Selves are allowed to remember immediate past lifetimes only during the first four
years of life. After that, the memory is banned from consciousness of the Emotional Self. That
requires each Emotional Self to deal with only the lifetime facing it and not try to repair mistakes
which it made the last time around. However, it may be allowed to remember a lifetime which
occurred two lifetimes ago, but not the immediate last one. 
Survival Training
     The first series of lifetimes is needed to teach the Emotional Self survival skills. So that
person in the first quarter of lifetimes may be a drifter, hobo or homeless person. Many people in
prison fall into this category. They barely know how to survive, and they look at every problem in
that light. There is no point to teaching them the finer points of social ethics when they have no
food available today and no place to sleep tonight. They could care less about what laws the
legislators enact, as those are for someone more sophisticated than they are. However, they are
often quite in touch with their Essences, as they need its advice on how to stay alive in a hostile
environment. The voice of their Essence may be misinterpreted by prison psychiatrists as
schizophrenic hallucinations, and the doctor may mistakenly try to block these voices with
antipsychotic medication. 

First Occupations
     Each Emotional Self will also have a series of adult occupations, which are assigned in
order of spiritual maturity. The usual first adult occupation is preacher, followed by journalist,
followed by lawyer. The purpose of each Master Life Plan determines the variety and nature of
subsequent occupations. 
Adolescence and Karmic Debts
     During the second quarter of lifetimes, they may be in what could be called the adolescent
phase. Here they are acting out all over the place, and, in doing so, they are building up a lot of
karmic debts. Karma is a reality to the CIE, and we have to pay back each and every debt. It may
not be in this lifetime, but it may be paid back in the next one or the one after that. We will be
given as many chances as we need to finally learn our lessons. If we have been a terrible mother to
a child, that child may come back in subsequent lifetimes to be a terrible mother to us. If we were
a German concentration camp guard during the Holocaust, we may come back as a devout
orthodox Jew the next lifetime. If we were a violently antihomosexual Fundamentalist preacher in
one lifetime, we may come back as a Lesbian the next time. This is the phase in which we
experiment, which is necessary for learning, and, in doing so, we build up our karmic debts.
Adult Lives, Paying Back Karmic Debts
     The third quarter is one in which we are starting to pay back those karmic debts. We may
have a responsible occupation in which we earn good money. We will also be very good about
supporting the soup kitchens and homeless shelters and giving to various charities. We may be
very civic minded and go into politics. We try to do our best to improve our society. We can also
be very greedy, thinking we are doing so in service to our culture by making many jobs available
for others less fortunate than ourselves.
Reflection Phase
     In the fourth quarter, we are doing our best to continue paying back the last of our karmic
debts, and not to incur new ones. We will try to settle old disputes, instead of carrying on those
from prior generations. We will be more concerned about doing work we feel is fulfilling, rather
than money making. In our last lifetime, we will be one of those who is kind to all, beloved by all
and someone whom everyone loves. 
     It is common for a person in his or her last lifetime to come to the end of that life before
getting married. This is to prevent them from starting a family and building up new karmic debts.
We frequently hear of wonderful young men or women dying in a car crash after high school
graduation, after being hit by a drunk driver. The dead youths are described in glowing terms, top
scholars, kind to their elders, and accepted at good schools. Everyone is sorry that they couldn't
go on to be the great persons everyone knows they had the potential to be. What happened was
that they were in their last lifetimes, and they were meant to "cease to exist" at just that time.
They had paid all their karmic debts and were not to get into situations where new debts could be
     These youths had spiritually mature Emotional Selves, as everyone around them could tell.
Now, in Thoughtspace, their mature Emotional Selves were upgraded to become Baby Essences.
These Baby Essences were "born again," when they were assigned to Baby Emotional Selves and
sent out to start the cycle over again. Thus each spiritually mature Emotional Self is "promoted"
to Essence, given the abilities to do its job, and paired with a new Emotional Self which needs
mentoring. So the cycle begins again.
Fate of Turned Essences
     Not all Essences are wise enough to follow the instructions of their CIE. Some become
quite rebellious and resistive to direction. They still have the capacity to exercise Free Will, since
that has been an option since "splintering off" from "The Creator." A rebellious Essence is a
"Turned Essence" and needs a period of time between incarnations to be rehabilitated. There is no
Hell or Purgatory in Thoughtspace, and there is no word for Sin in the Original Language, large
as it is. Turned Essences are considered in need of reeducation, and that can take a long time for
the worst of them.
     The lesser of the Turned Essences, such as those of most murderers, will be taken under
supervision by their Spiritual Guardian. That CIE will work with them, showing them the error of
their ways, until it deems it safe for them to be reincarnated. Some have been radicals on some
issue during life, and they need to learn the truth of matters of importance to them. Others may
have committed heartless crimes, and they need to learn that such behavior will not improve their
chances of living in a human body soon. Whatever is needed is supplied in Thoughtspace by the
     In the case of major offenders of the public welfare, including the Essence of Adoph
Hitler, they are sent to a special rehabilitation center run by the Spiritual Professor, Charity. They
will stay there until Charity is sure that they have been rehabilitated and it is safe to reincarnate
them. That can take as long as all eternity. At this time, the Essence of Hitler is there, along with
those of Mussolini, Tojo, Hirohito, and others who chose to annihilate millions during World War
II. They will be joined by others of similar nature, if it is deemed unsafe for them to be
reincarnated in the foreseeable future.
Population Control
     One reason the CIE decided that it is time for reincarnation to be reintroduced into the
public consciousness is that the world can only feed and house so many people. We are coming to 
a point where population has to be controlled, and our society does not seem to have the will or
the ways to do it effectively. While we pass out contraceptive pills to women, we build fertility
clinics to manufacture bodies of babies for whom there is no Essence or Emotional Self available.
This does not make sense. 
     However, if we all realized that each Life Plan is integrated with all other Life Plans and
that "The Creator's" plan cannot overpopulate the earth, we might act differently. If we learn the
lessons of this lifetime in this lifetime, we will not have to be reincarnated so we will have to do it
a second time. One lifetime for each lesson should be enough. But if we continue to exercise our
Free Will and procrastinate, then we will just have to have an extra baby born to give us another
lifetime to learn our lesson in. That is what will inevitably lead to overpopulation. If we are
scheduled for 4,500 lifetimes total, but are so eager to use our Free Will that it takes 5,000
lifetimes to cover the same subjects, that means that 500 extra babies have to be born just for that
one Emotional Self alone. There is no need for them to be born, as one can see. All it takes is for
each of us to forego Free Will, use each life as it is meant to be lived, and we will cut down the
overall population to the size that the world can handle. 
Evolution of Society
     Whereas the CIE teach that Darwinian evolution by random selection of biological traits is
not correct, there is still upward evolution of society. As each Essence finishes up its assignment
in mentoring its Charge, it has learned a great deal about how to solve human problems. That is
what it has been doing for the past 5,000 lifetimes. Then it is assigned to a new Emotional Self,
which will benefit from the wisdom its Essence has accumulated over these many lifetimes. Thus
the overall level of sophistication of both Essences and Emotional Selves will increase gradually
over time. There is hope for our world yet!

  Copyright© 2024 - Ralph B. Allison